This headlamp is great for lots of things! My kids have used it for late night hide and seek game. The child that was "it" got the advantage of having the headlamp to see the kids running in the dark. Its got a great light range, very illuminating. My fiance has also used it at work. He has to grease his loader and other maintenance so he takes it in when he has to. He said it provided great lighting for him to see what he was doing. I love it especially all the different light settings. It is very durable and well crafted. It has an adjustable head band so everyone in the house can use it if needed. I'm going to be getting my brother and father one for fathers day. They LOVE fixing their cars and i know they would appreciate having both hands free and great lighting. You can also change the directions of the light and its very lightweight. I would say this BRIGHT LED headlamp would be of great use in lots of categories from froggin' (yes I'm southern and i love my fresh frog legs) to kids play. It would also be great for that mechanic in your life.
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i received this product free in exchange for my honest opinion.
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