Saturday, July 4, 2015

Survival Power Cord Bracelet Review

Little things like these are a must have. Multipurpose products are the way to go. You never know when you may need something like this. It has a whistle which can draw attention to surrounding people in case of rape, robbing, or being lost. The paracord can be used for multiple things. If you get a deep cut and need to slow blood flow to the area. paracords have so many different uses so if you feel that you don't need one just google "why I should have paracord" and you'll have hundreds of excuses to buy this product! 

I gave it to my brother as a gift because he's always got his hand deep in dangers lol. He mows lawns, so if he gets hit with a blade he'll have a turnikit. Always working on cars so more reason to use the cord as a turnikit. I received this product free in exchange for my unbiased review. 

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